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Dynamo Pages Template Setup Guide

  • Accelerate development and reduce effort. Leverage industry-specific templates, pre-built modules, and out-of-the-box features.
  • Ensure flexibility and scalability. Build applications with dynamic entities and choose from multiple multi-tenancy models.
  • Utilize familiar technologies: Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, HTML, ReactJS, SpringAI, BPMN, Hibernate, PostgreSQL.
  • Expand at will. Dynamo provides unlimited customization and seamless integration options.

Languages and Tools:



πŸš€ How to start
πŸ’‘ Application screenshots
πŸ“œ Release notes
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πŸš€ Getting started​


This guide walks through setting up your Dynamo Pages app using Docker Compose. It also covers how to set up authentication using Keycloak.

Release NameDescriptionRelease Date
MVP - 1.0.0Dynamo Pages allows you to create, edit, and delete collections and documents seamlessly.27-09-2024

Using Docker Compose​


Before starting, ensure the following are installed and available on your system:

  • Docker or Docker Desktop - (Docker Version - 20.10.x and above)
  • Open ports: 8080, 8081, 3000, 5432 - Ensure that the following ports are not in use:

1.1 Setup with Docker Compose​

  1. Navigate to the project folder in your terminal.

  2. Run the following command to start the Docker containers:

    docker compose up

    This command will pull and download the necessary containers, and the client will run on localhost:3000.

  3. Default Credentials for client app - Username: Password: breeze123 or Signup.

  4. Application Port

    • Backend Server - 8081
    • Frontend Client - 3000
    • Auth Server - 8080

1.2 If Docker not installed - Docker Installation​

For Docker on Linux:​

  1. Update your packages:

    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install Docker using:

    sudo apt install
  3. Verify installation:

    docker --version

For Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows:​

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop from here.
  2. Follow the installation instructions and start Docker Desktop.

1.3 Troubleshooting​

Checking and Managing Active Ports​

Ensure that the following ports are not in use:

  • 8080
  • 8081
  • 3000
  • 5432

If any of these ports are active, you need to free them by killing the respective processes. You can check for active ports using:

lsof -i :<port_number>

To kill a process on a specific port:

kill -9 <process_id>

If you encounter file permission issues, use the following command:​

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER postgres-data/

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, try:​

  • Resetting changes with Git:

    git checkout .
  • Deleting the project and re-cloning it.

If you encounter Error response from daemon: pull access denied for, use the following command:​

docker logout

Additional Notes​

  • Always verify that no other processes are using ports 8080, 8081, 3000, or 5432 before running the services.
  • If you encounter issues with ports, repeat the process to kill active ports as mentioned above.

This completes the setup for the Dynamo Pages Template. If further issues arise, refer to the troubleshooting section or restart from the initial steps.


  • Manage Collections: \n Easily create, edit, and organize collections within other collections. This feature allows efficient structuring and grouping of related items for easy access and management.
  • Manage Documents: \n Add, edit, and remove documents within collections. Documents can be nested, categorized, and updated as needed, providing seamless control over content within your collections.
  • Home Screen Viewing: \n Access an overview of your collections and documents directly from the home screen. Quickly navigate to specific collections or documents for efficient, intuitive management.
  • Document Version Management: \n Keep track of document changes over time. Manage different versions, review historical edits, and restore previous versions to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Archive Feature: \n Archive old or unused documents and collections for future reference. Keep your workspace clean and organized while retaining the ability to access archived content when needed.

Application Screenshots​

Screenshot from 2024-09-26 17-17-22

Screenshot from 2024-09-26 17-20-31

Screenshot from 2024-09-26 17-18-22

Screenshot from 2024-09-26 17-18-49

Screenshot from 2024-09-26 17-19-35

Screenshot from 2024-09-26 17-18-22

πŸ—ƒοΈ Release notes​

Dynamo is constantly evolving. Check out the changelog:

Dynamo 1.0.0. πŸš€β€‹

  • Support for pages templates
  • Fix issues and bugs


For any business inquiries, technical support, or to report issues, please contact

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